ESG Data Science

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Deepc - Data Science@LMU students' project, 19 December 2018

Follow this link for the article.

Adidas, 7 November 2018

Life of a Data Scientist at adidas: An interactive guide to forecasting future demand for running shoes

Dr. Lydia Mammen, Dr. Alexander März, Adidas

Wednesday, 7 November 2018, 18.15-19:45
Main building Room  A 119

Registration is not required

Field trip to the Wendelstein Observatory, 3 July 2018

Field trip to the Wendelstein Observatory, located on Mount Wendelstein in the Bavarian Alpes and operated by the University Observatory of LMU Munich.

Prof. Ralf Bender and Dr. Ulrich Hopp gave us a tour of the observatory and introduced us to their work and that of their co-researchers.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Kauermann, 16 June 2018

Prof. Kauermann talks about the most important skills of a data scientist in an exclusive brochure, follow this link to download it. 

BMW, 13 June 2018

Driving the data-driven company: Data management and data analytics

Dr. Schollmeier, Dr. Kraemer, Dr. Zimmermann, BMW

Wednesday, 13 June 2018, 18:15–19:45
Main building, Room A 119

Registration is not required

BCG Gamma München, 26 April 2018

Operations Research in Practice: Data Science in the Airline and Shipping Industry

Dr. Martin Fink, Senior Data Scientist, BCG Gamma München

Thursday, 26 April 2018, 18:15–19:45
Main building; Room A 119

Registration is not required

German Data Science Days 2018, 20–21 March 2018

For more information follow this link. 

Information Event, 7 February 2018

Are you interested in studying Data Science?

Then attend our information event!

You will get information about the curriculum, the requirements and the application process. Professors involved in the program will answer your questions.

7 February 2018, 18:00
Main building, Room A 125

Information_Event (6 MByte)

Data Science@LMU Professional Certificate Program, 27 January 2018

There is a growing demand for well-trained data scientists in industry and business. The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, in cooperation with the Professional Training Unit at LMU Munich, have therefore developed a professional certificate program Data Science. The program is directed at professionals who have a university degree and who work in a related field.

Registration is now open ... more

Munich RE, 25 January 2018

Data Science in Insurance

Dr. Fabian Winter, Munich Re

Thursday, 25 January 2018, 18:00–20:00
Main building, Room A 021

Registration is not required